Local report — Baze rides 11,000th winner

August 14, 2010 by  

SANTA ROSA, Calif. — Granger’s Russell Baze has ridden the 11,000th winner of his career.

The 52-year-old jockey won the fourth race at the Sonoma County Fair aboard Separate Forest on Saturday to reach the milestone.

Baze was already North America’s winningest thoroughbred jockey, having surpassed Laffit Pincay Jr.’s record of 9,530 winners in December 2006.

Baze rode his 10,000th winner in February 2008 at Golden Gate Fields in the San Francisco Bay area, where he has spent most of his career.


Officials meeting Monday

The Central Washington Volleyball Board of Officials will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 16 in the Parker Room of the Deccio Building at Yakima Valley Community College.

Anyone interested in officiating school volleyball this fall should attend. New officials are always needed.

For more information, contact Dick Brown at 509-952-7357 or Liz Gilbert at 509-945-6391.


UW returning to Selah

The University of Washington fastpitch team will be making its annual trek to Selah’s Carlon Park Sept. 25-26. The Huskies will play Central Washington at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, before a dinner and auction at Selah Civic Center Starting at 6. Two camps will be held Sunday.

For more information about the dinner and auction or to purchase tickets, call Bill Harris at 509-961-1588. The phone number was incorrect in Page 1B of Saturday’s Sports section.

Filed under All, College, CWU Football, Emerald Downs, More, Preps, Volleyball

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