Thomas, Siebol win Pigskin Picks

November 19, 2010 by  

YAKIMA, Wash. — It was a close one, but there’s no recount necessary.

Sports reporter Dave Thomas won the Herald-Republic sports staff’s Pigskin Picks competition by one game over sports editor Jerrel Swenning and sports reporter Scott Spruill.

In the final week, Thomas correctly chose 19 of 21 games to break a first-place tie with Swenning and Spruill and finish the season at 164-33. Swenning and Spruill went 18-3 to finish at 163-34.

Sports reporter Roger Underwood went 162-35 to finish fourth, while sports reporter Scott Sandsberry (160-37) and copy editor Marcus Michelson (147-50) rounded out the standings.

In our online contest, Bruce Siebol of Yakima won the season title by picking 167 of the 197 games correctly.

Rob Conrad of Yakima (166-31), Kevin Spaeth of East Wenatchee (163-34), Mike Carpenter of Grandview (163-34) and Jeff Appelgate of Prosser (162-35) rounded out the top five.

The weekly winners included Nick Clark of Naches, Chris Krueger of Yakima, Roger Sonderland of Kennewick, Rich Bartkowski of Centerville, Duane Liedtke of Yakima, Jeryd Cline of Goldendale, Martin Sanchez of Grandview, Appelgate, Conrad and Siebol.

If you haven’t claimed your prize, call the YH-R sports department at 509-577-7687 to make arrangements.

Filed under * Pigskin Picks *, All, Football

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