9/15/11 Bulletin Board
September 14, 2011 by YH-R Sports
BASEBALL: The September board meeting of the Yakima Pepsi Beetles will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Jack-sons. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
BASKETBALL: The Selah AAU Club will be having a coaches meeting on at 7 tonight in the Selah High School student center. Coaches that are considering putting a Selah AAU basketball team together for this early fall, fall and/or winter AAU leagues are encouraged to attend. They will also be electing this season’s officers.
SOFTBALL: The Yakima Stealers will hold tryouts for the 2012 16-U and 18-U summer fastpitch teams at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25 at Dunbar Field at Yakima Valley Community College. For more information, contact Greg Cuillier at 509-457-1070 or Daniel Robillard at 509-829-3009.
Filed under All, Valley Sports Weekly, Youth fastpitch, Youth Sports