Media Classic all-time top scorers

March 16, 2012 by  

40, Paul Martin, Kamiakin (TC), 2005
35, Josh Loera, Moses Lake (TC), 2007
33, Humberto Perez, Davis (Yakima), 2005
28, Nico Sandoval, Davis (Yakima), 2007
28, Willie Blodgett, Wapato (Yakima), 2009
27, Randy Brisby, River View (TC), 1997
27, Eric Patrick, Kamiakin (TC), 2001
25, Josh Williams, Davis (Yakima), 1999
25, Jeff Curfman, Eisenhower (Yakima), 2003
25, Mike McGee, Kennewick (TC), 2004
24, Doug Schulz, Richland (TC), 1995
24, Malcolm Stewart, Eisenhower (Yakima), 1995
24, Andrew Strait, West Valley (Yakima), 2003
24, Corey Wehr, West Valley (Yakima), 2004
23, Erik Bell, Selah (Yakima), 2004
22, Mark Carollo, Hermiston (TC), 2004
22, Andy Jones, Zillah (Yakima), 2006
22, Buddy Walter, Chiawana (TC), 2011

3-point goals
7, Malcolm Stewart, Eisenhower (Yakima), 1995
7, Humberto Perez, Davis (Yakima), 2005

Small-school games (2000-2003)
25, Nate Debar, Royal (TC), 2001
24, Lance Den Boer, Sunnyside Christian (Yakima), 2002
22, Brian Thomson, Naches Valley (Yakima), 2000
22, Thomas Ostrander, East Valley (Yakima), 2001
22, Michael Smith, Connell (TC), 2001

27, Nicole Trammell, West Valley (Yakima), 1994
24, Shoni Schimmel, Hermiston (TC), 2008
23, Holly Togiai, Kamiakin (TC), 1994
23, Carmel Lampson, Kamiakin (TC), 1995
23, Heather Pratt, Selah (Yakima), 2001
22, Sarah Wanless, Goldendale (Yakima), 1995
22, Misty Hayes, Hanford (TC), 1994
22, Karly Felton, Eisenhower (Yakima), 2003

3-point goals
5, Nicole Trammell, West Valley (Yakima), 1994

Small-school games (2000-2003)
23, Elyse Mengarelli, East Valley (Yakima), 2001

Filed under Basketball (Boys), Basketball (Girls), Preps blog


2 Responses to “Media Classic all-time top scorers”
  1. Martha says:

    Sarah Wanless and Andy Jones need to be moved to the ‘small school’ stat section…

    • Jerrel Swenning says:

      Sarah Wanless and Andy Jones played when there was only one game. From 2000-2003, there was a large-school game and a small-school game. The players listed for the small schools played during that four-year period.


      Jerrel Swenning
      Sports editor

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