Skate Creek route opens Friday

April 26, 2012 by  

YAKIMA, Wash. — A Gifford Pinchot National Forest road often used by Yakima Valley-area travelers to access the southern end of Mount Rainier National Park, will open for the season on Friday.

Forest Road 52, commonly known as the Skate Creek Road, runs from Packwood northwest to a junction with State Route 706, which travelers can then follow to the Nisqually entrance to the park and on up to Paradise.

Park visitors from the east and southeast can also reach Paradise by taking State Route 123 to the Silver Falls entrance and following Stevens Canyon Road, but the latter typically isn’t open until later in the season.

Travelers on Skate Creek Road will still need to be wary of downed trees, snow patches and the potholes left over from another rough winter on their way to Mount Rainier.

- Scott Sandsberry

Filed under Blogs, Out There, Outdoors

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