YVCC statement on eliminating wrestling

April 26, 2012 by  

“Yakima Valley Community College has found it necessary, after three straight years of budget cuts, to look at reductions to our intercollegiate athletic program. After considering every possible alternative, the college has decided it is most appropriate to close the wrestling program. We appreciate each student athlete who chose to compete for YVCC’s wrestling program and value your work and commitment as student athletes. While there will not be a wrestling program for the 2012-13 season, we hope you will continue your education at YVCC. If you decide that you will be successful elsewhere we stand ready to help you as you make the transition.”

Filed under All, YVCC Wrestling


2 Responses to “YVCC statement on eliminating wrestling”
  1. Ralph Carotenuto says:

    It is such a shame that wrestling is no longer included in the sports program at YVCC. I can only assume this will further depress the male enrollment at the school. This further limits opportunities for men in higher education.

    • Dan Gable says:

      Every possible alternative ? The National Wrestling Coaches Association has a textbook of solutions to follow for helping this exact matter. I’m assuming that was followed.

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