5/10/12 Bulletin Board

May 9, 2012 by  

BASEBALL: Yakima National Little League Juniors (ages 13-14 as of April 30) tryouts and registration will be at 9 a.m. on May 19 and 6 p.m. on May 21, both at the Elks Park green field. Cost is $150 and must be paid at the time of registration. Players will also need to provide a birth certificate and a utility bill that shows an address within YNLL boundaries (Yakima, Union Gap, Toppenish, Zillah, Wapato, White Swan, and Harrah). For more information, contact Mike Saxton (509-952-1716), Jackie Graf (509-834-1503) or Tammy Ryan (509-901-9186).

• The Yakima Pepsi Beetles May board meeting will be at 7 p.m. on May 14 at Jack-son’s Sports Bar at 48th Avenue and Tieton Drive. All interested persons are welcome to attend.

• The Yakima Valley Pepsi Pak and Peppers will have an informational meeting at 7 p.m. on May 16 at the Selah Civic Center. Players and a parent should attend. There is a $50 registration fee. Players from West Valley, Highland, Naches, Ellensburg, Kittitas, Cle Elum and Selah are eligible to participate. For more information, call Mike Archer (509-952-0318) or Rob Archer (509-952-7814).

BASKETBALL: AAU and the Yakima Valley Sports Authority is hosting a Summer Basketball League, which will run from June 4-28 with games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The league is for boys and girls in grades 3 to high school. Cost is $220 per team and the registration deadline is May 18. Entry forms and more information is online at www.ieaau.org or by calling the AAU office at 509-453-2696.

• The West Valley High School girls varsity team will be running a camp from 9 a.m. to noon June 26-28 for girls in grades 3-8. The camp, at the high school, costs $75. For more information, contact coach Keely Teske (509-972-5947) or go to the school’s website at www.hs.wvsd208.org/pages/West_Valley_HS

SWIMMING: The Yakima Aquatic Club will hold tryouts for its summer swim program starting May 7. Tryouts begin at 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Yakima Athletic Club pool at 2501 Racquet Lane. For more information, visit yacswimming.com, or email [email protected].

VOLLEYBALL: The Eisenhower Volleyball Camp for boys and girls entering grades 5 to 9 will be from 3:30-6 p.m. June 4-6 at Ike Gym. Cost is $50 and includes a T-shirt. Proceeds support Eisenhower Volleyball. For a registration form, contact coach Brad Ackerman (509-573-2629) or Angie Brown (509-945-3116).

Filed under All, Legion Baseball, Meetings, Valley Sports Weekly, Youth Sports

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