Spruill wins Pigskin Picks

November 6, 2011 by  

YAKIMA, Wash. — Sports reporter Scott Spruill held on to win the Yakima Herald-Republic’s Pigskin Picks competition for 2011.

Spruill picked 157 of 191 high school, college and professional football games correctly this season to win the title.

Copy editor Marcus Michelson finished second at 154-37, followed by sports editor Jerrel Swenning and sports reporter Roger Underwood (tied at 151-40), sports reporter Scott Sandsberry (150-41) and sports writer Dave Thomas (148-43).

In our website contest, Dave Fletcher passed fellow Yakima resident Tony Sandoval in the final week to claim the XBox 360 from Ron’s Coin and Collectible. Fletcher finished at 158-33, one game ahead of Sandoval.

The winner of the Week 10 prize of an auto detailing from Pingrey Ford in Selah worth $150 was Terry Mickles Sr. of Yakima.

Filed under * Pigskin Picks *, All

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