4/29/12 Letter to sports

April 28, 2012 by  

Thanks for tournament help ||

To the sports editor — On April 21st and 22nd, the NWAACC Crossover Softball Tournament was held at Gateway Sports Complex at Kiwanis Park. There were 21 women’s college fastpitch teams in the tournament, which consisted of 42 games.

The tournament was very well received by the teams, and the spectators. Many people contributed to the success of the tournament. Trudy Bray, who was the tournament manager, did a wonderful job of coordinating many aspects of the tournament; volunteer scorekeepers, apples for the teams, recycling containers, handing out team packets, and many other ongoing tournament issues. Carol Finney, Louise Adams, Becky Turner, Terri Lamb and Sharon and Homer Applegate all volunteered to run scoreboards.

Kelsie Owen, the YVCC athletic trainer, was there the entire time, providing care to the athletes. She was assisted by YVCC’s student trainer, Danielle Whitworth, and a student trainer from CWU, Francesca Leyland. Noel Cisneros also helped by providing five water coolers to provide water in the dugouts.

Bill Wells and Tami Andringa, of the Yakima Parks and Recreation Department, did a wonderful job of coordinating the set-up of the park and the maintenance of the fields. The maintenance crews did a super job of prepping the fields before each game.

Rich Austin, and Mike Carey, of the Yakima Sports Commission, and Dale Hefflinger of the Best Western Ahtanum Inn, were very helpful with the coordination of motels for the teams and officials.

Jim Adrian, the assigning official for the umpires, did a wonderful job of scheduling the umpires along with evaluating the umpires during the tournament.

The Tournament had the theme, “Swinging for a Cure: Breast Cancer Awareness”. Wellness House from Yakima was there both days, providing information and merchandise about breast cancer. I want to thank Margarette Filkins, Eunice Koeppe, and Amy Zook for their time and involvement with the tournament.

Brianna Bischof, the YVCC Athletic Secretary, was extremely helpful. She put together the tournament programs and the team packets.

The tournament was successful, and it will be back again next year. Thanks to all of the people who helped run a successful tournament.


Fastpitch Coach

Yakima Valley Community College

Filed under * Letters to Sports, All

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