Away at school: Romero takes second at wrestling nationals

April 6, 2012 by  

YAKIMA, Wash. — STEVEN ROMERO (Sunnyside), a sophomore at Highline Community College, finished second at 125 pounds at the National Junior College Athletic Association wrestling championships in Rochester, Minn.

Romero won four straight matches before falling 3-2 in the championship final. He was a two-time JC All-American, having placed third as a freshman.

SKYLOR DAVIS (Zillah), a sophomore at Simon Fraser, placed fifth at 125 pounds at the National Collegiate Wrestling Association Championships in Daytona Beach, Fla. Davis won four of six matches in the tournament, including an 8-0 victory in the fifth-place final for All-American honors.

ADAM RANGER (Naches Valley), a junior pitcher for Jamestown (N.D.) College, is the Jimmies’ top starter with a 4-0 record and 2.48 ERA. He won two games during his team’s trip to Arizona last month, beating Northwestern College 4-2 and Indiana Wesleyan 4-0. Over 29 innings, Ranger has struck out 23 and walked only five for Jamestown, which is 18-11-1.

MICHAEL CALDERON (Davis), a junior at Bellevue University (Neb.), was named MCAC pitcher of the week recently for the NAIA school. Calderon allowed four hits and one run while striking out six in seven complete innings in a win over Purdue University-North Central. He is currently 4-1 with 34 strikeouts for the 23-12 Bruins.

KENNEDY SARMIENTO (Sunnyside), a sophomore at Spokane Community College, was recently named NWAACC track athlete of the week for his efforts at the Whitworth Buc Invitational. He placed second in the 400, won the 400 hurdles in a career best (56.25) and ran on Spokane’s 4×400.

Filed under * Away at School, All

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