Golf: Eglin aiming for sixth straight Women’s City Tournament title

June 24, 2012 by  

YAKIMA, Wash. — Will the streak survive?

If last year is any indication, it’s probably going to take quite an effort to dislodge Nancy Eglin from atop the Yakima Women’s City Tournament leaderboard.

Eglin will be seeking her sixth straight City championship this week after keeping her streak alive last summer by overcoming a five-shot deficit to eight-time champion Pat Martin entering the final round.

Those two head up a 47-player field that will begin play Monday morning at the Yakima County Club. The second round is Tuesday at the Yakima Elks Golf and Country Club, with the final round Thursday at Apple Tree Golf Course.

Eglin had fallen frustratingly short of winning for several years before finally breaking through with her first title in 2004. And since 2007, no one has been able to best her.

Her current winning streak is second only the Dorothy Carratt, who won the first 11 City championships starting in 1954, and Eglin, currently tied with Pam Hubbard for fourth-most City victories at six, can pull even with Hazel Leland for third place with another victory this week.

Martin is second all-time with eight crowns, but has not won a City title since 2006.

Play begins at 8 a.m. each day and the public is welcome to attend.


(At Yakima Country Club)

8 a.m. — Carolyn Henyan (Apple Tree), Nancy Slinkard (SunTides), Dorothy Brink (Yakima Elks), Shelly Yarbrough (YE).

8:10 a.m. — Melissa A. Keeter (Yakima Country Club), Sue Morganthaler (ST), Lynda Matthews (AT), Carolyn Bowman (ST).

8:20 a.m. — Judy Jones (YE), Christy Fordyce (YE), Judy Callarman (YCC), Linda Plummer (YE).

8:30 a.m. — Susan Lowary (ST), Barb Fortier (YCC), Judy Rozelle (AT), Nancy Graf (YE).

8:40 a.m. — Valerie Thompson (YE), Pene James (YCC), Debbie Nethery (YE), Betty Gilmore (YCC).

8:50 a.m. — Linda Lenseigne (ST), Cindi J. Stewart (YCC), Kim Wangler (YE), Claudette Haubner (ST).

9 a.m. — Pat Wehr (ST), Janet Hall (YE), Robin Cole (YCC), Chris Scacco (YE).

9:10 a.m. — Pat Sugden (YE), Ann Hall (YCC), Pat Martin (YCC), Nancy Eglin (YE).

9:20 a.m. — Judy Stone (YE), Carol Finney (ST), Brenda Batali (YCC).

9:30 a.m. — Carol Hammermeister (ST), Lo Donaldson (YE), Patricia Gustin (YE), Kris Sterns (YE).

9:40 a.m. — Pat Mosley (ST), Helen Wendt (ST), Betty Waldrum (YE), Janet Bassell (YE).

9:50 a.m. — Helen Tweedy (YE), Carol Judy (ST), Cathy Buchanan (YCC), Marlene O’Halleron (AT).


(Tuesday at Yakima Elks)

8 a.m. — Yarbrough, Scacco, A. Hall, Slinkard.

8:09 a.m. — Martin, Wehr, James, Cole.

8:18 a.m. — Sugden, Eglin, Lenseigne, Haubner.

8:27 a.m. — Stewart, J. Hall, Gilmore, Nethery.

8:36 a.m. — Gustin, Mosley, Buchanan, Waldrum.

8:45 a.m. — Bassell, O’Halleron, Finney, Donaldson.

8:54 a.m. — Batali, Wendt, Tweedy, Sterns.

9:03 a.m. — Stone, Hammermeister, Judy.

9:12 a.m. — Wangler, Thompson, Rozelle, Morganthaler.

9:21 a.m. — Graf, Fordyce, Callarman, Plummer.

9:30 a.m. — Henyan, Jones, Lowary, Bowman.

9:39 a.m. — Matthews, Fortier, Brink, Keeter.

Filed under All, Local Golf

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