Davis boys lead winter award nominees

April 14, 2012 by  

YAKIMA, Wash. — The Davis boys basketball team raked in the awards last month — first state championship since 1965, Class 4A coach of the year (Eli Juarez) and 4A and all-classifications player of the year (David Trimble).

On Wednesday, June 6 at the Yakima Valley Sports Awards luncheon, the Pirates will look to add to their haul.

Trimble, who has taken home the basketball award the past two years, and Juarez, who claimed the winter coach honor two years ago, are joined by Davonte Luckett in the individual category and the Pirates squad in the team category to give the 4A champions four finalists, more than any other winter team.

East Valley’s girls basketball team, runner-up in Class 2A earned three nominations (player Yasi Mosehnian, coach Robi Raab, team) as did Ellensburg’s wrestling team (wrestlers Tyler Coates and Wyatt Scribner, coach Jason Stevenson).

West Valley’s six finalists were the most of any school, followed by Davis with five and Zillah with four.

Trimble is the only returning winner among the finalists.

The awards, sponsored by the Yakima Herald-Republic, KIMA-TV, Pepsi, Town Square Media, Yakima Parks and Recreation and the Yakima Valley Sports Commission, will be presented at the Yakima Convention Center.

The finalists and winners are selected by the Herald-Republic sports staff. The Monday Morning Quarterbacks Club also has a vote in the final balloting.

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Filed under All, Basketball (Boys), Basketball (Girls), Bowling (Girls), Featured Prep Sports, Featured Stories, Swimming (Boys), Wrestling

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